FeetWell Ltd
Call Us Now 01633 264418 / 07986 620444
Email Us Reception@feetwell.co.uk
Welcome to FeetWell
On behalf of FeetWell Associates we look forward to welcoming you back and hope to see you soon.
Best wishes,
Sarah Morgan
FeetWell Director.
Treatments and Services
​Nail cuts and treatments
​Verrucaes (Various treatments including dry needling, caustics, cryotherapy and advice)
Ingrowing toe nails
Corn and calluses
Hard Skin
Problem Nails such as thickened or fungal
Cracked Heels
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Athlete's Foot
Biomechanics and sports injuries
Big toe pain
Heel and arch pain
Ankle and knee pain
Lower back pain
Flat feet
Tendon strains

We are now able to offer this breakthrough new technology for the treatment of verrucae and warts. Developed in the UK this technology offers a real effective and ethical alternative to the usual treatments involving acids and cryotherapy.
Click here to go to our Swift information page and get more details.
Are you diabetic or have compromised health?
If you are diabetic or have compromised health then good foot health is all the more important. Why not get in touch to see how we can help.
All of our podiatrists are HCPC registered and our instruments are all sterilised in our custom built sterilising room.