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This new technology, developed in the UK, has been licenced for the general treatment of verrucas and warts in Podiatry. FeetWell has invested in this clinically proven latest technology to offer an effective, ethical real alternative to the usual applications such as acids or cryotherapy.

So what are Verrucae?

Verrucae is the Latin word for wart and the terms are interchangeable. There are approximately 150 different HPVs with differing degrees of rarity that cause warts on various parts of the body. Warts/verruca’s may have many presentations and can appear on any epidermal surface as a single, multiple, cluster or even a mixture of types.


They are generally transmitted through direct and indirect contact. The virus only affects the skin and does not go deeper than that.


When the virus enters the skin, some people’s immune systems immediately respond by producing antibodies which kill the virus dead - others don’t and a verruca forms. Even then the immune response can still happen days, weeks, months or years later and the verruca can suddenly disappear. This is why your GP will tell you to leave it alone and that it will go away in time. Unfortunately in some people the HPV ‘hides’ well and so stays, or grows and sometimes multiplies, and can even spread to another person if contact is made.


Having a verruca does not mean there is anything wrong with your immune system, just that the virus has not yet been recognized by your immune system. Swift is designed to prompt that local immune response for the body to heal itself.


At FeetWell our clinicians are trained to assess and where appropriate to treat warts/verrucas on both the hands and feet!



What is this new treatment?

Swift verruca treatment uses microwave energy delivered through a special probe applied to the skin to treat the affected tissue.


The Swift microwaves work by generating heat in the wart/verruca, to a maximum depth of 5mm. Microwaves act on the water content and when the electric field is applied causes a collision between molecules and so generates heat bringing about localised tissue damage.

The localised tissue damage prompts a healing response which brings about antibody recruitment and is also thought to stimulate a heat stress protein into production which is known to prompt a strong healing response.



What does a Swift treatment involve?

Swift treatment consists of one application of between 2 and 5 second timed bursts of microwaves on each lesion. Each lesion has five applications during one treatment appointment. As such large and multiple sites can be treated during one appointment taking from one minute up to fifteen minutes.



Who can benefit from the Swift verruca treatment?

Almost anyone who has stubborn warts and verrucas can benefit from Swift.


There are a few contra-indications listed below but other than these anyone can be treated and your Podiatrist can treat Verruca and warts on both the hands and feet following an assessment.​


  • Metal pins, plates or replacement joints in the foot or ankle

  • Pacemaker

  • Neuropathy or poor peripheral circulation

  • Poor or limited healing capacity

  • Immune suppression

  • Pregnancy or breast feeding. It is known that verrucas and warts can increase in size during this period

  • Low or very low pain threshold

  • Young children – treatment on children under ten years old may not be appropriate for a number of reasons which one of our Podiatrists will discuss with you during your consultation.



What will the wart/verruca look like after it has been treated and how quickly will it work?

Immediately after the treatment there will be no change to the appearance until a few days after and then there is a gradual change as your immune response gets to work. Time is necessary to allow these changes to occur and this is why there is a gap of around four weeks between treatments. During this time the verruca will shrink in from the edges and begin reducing in thickness as the underlying healthy tissue begins to re-establish itself and the verruca tissue resolves.



Frequently Asked Questions

How many Swift verruca treatments will I need?

This depends on how you respond to treatment. Research demonstrates that three treatments are necessary on average for resolution.  Further treatments may be needed if the verruca/wart is particularly large or there are resistant multiple lesions.


Does Swift verruca treatment hurt?

As with many treatments for skin lesions, some discomfort or pain is experienced during treatment initially. The sensation varies from person to person but most people undergoing Swift describe it as similar to a prick with a needle although some may find it more painful. However, any pain experienced quickly subsides and disappears. Furthermore, subsequent treatment appointments are reported to be less painful than the last. In rare cases some minor discomfort or tingling may be experienced for 24hrs before dissipating completely.


What can I do after Swift verruca treatment?

Normally any pain or discomfort ends as soon as the treatment is finished but it is always possible there may be some discomfort. However there usually is no broken skin and therefore no dressings and so no need to keep it dry. You can carry on as usual shower, swim, walk, run whatever is normal for you.


Does using swift verruca treatment mean that the verruca won’t come back?

Once the wart/verruca has gone, it is usually is gone for good. However, you can pick up another one, your podiatrist will advise you on how to prevent this though.




To make an appointment for a verruca consultation and assessment please contact us:
Telephone: 01633 264418
Mobile: 07986 622 0444

More Information

For informational leaflets and details of case studies please click on the links below:

Overview of Swift
Benefits of Swift
Make an Appointment

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T: 01633 264418

M: 07986 620444

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